Foreigner and Stateless person( Tourist ) can stay in the countries up to agreement and type of visas, for foreigner entry to the country without visas ( visas exception agreement ) can stay in the country up to the agreement after expired of stay shall exit with checkpoints (can’t extend)
>> Foreigner can extension the visas with immigration department in official hour. | |
>> For some countries can’t get the visas on arrival, shall get the visas with Lao embassy or Lao consular section in other countries before entry the country |
For employee want to work in the country and investor must have the stay permit card, work permit card and other, so some document issued by another Ministries for more detail please contact to information counter of the Ministries.
Currently, Lao PDR have the visa exception agreement with 36 countries and difference type of passport such as diplomatic passport, service passport and ordinary passport. to see the countries have visa exception agreement with Lao PDR please find the list below:
No | Countries | Diplomatic passport | Service Passport | Ordinary Passport |
01 | Azerbaijan (AZE) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
02 | Bangladesh (BGD) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
03 | Belarus (BLR) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
04 | Brazil (BRA) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
05 | Brunei (BRN) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
06 | Cambodia (KHM) | 90 days | 90 days | 30 days |
07 | China (CHN) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
Hong Kong (HKG) | 14 days | 14 days | Not available | |
08 | Cuba (CUB) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
09 | Czech Republic (CZE) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
10 | DPR Korea (PRK) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
11 | Ecuador (ECU) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
12 | Hungary (HUN) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
13 | India (IND) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
14 | Indonesia (IDN) | 14 days | 14 days | 30 days |
15 | Japan (JPN) | 90 days | 90 days | 15 days |
16 | Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
17 | Kuwait (KWT) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
18 | Luxembourg (LUX) | Not available | Not available | 15 days |
19 | Malaysia (MYS) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
20 | Mexico (MEX) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
21 | Mongolia (MNG) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
22 | Myanmar (MMR) | 30 days | 30 days | 14 days |
23 | Norway (NOR) | 90 days | Not available | Not available |
24 | Peru (PER) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
25 | Pakistan (PAK) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
26 | Philippines (PHL) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
27 | Poland (POL) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
28 | Singapore (SGP) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
29 | R. Korea (KOR) | 90 days | 90 days | 30 days |
30 | Russia (RUS) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
31 | Serbia (SRB) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
32 | Slovak Republic (SVK) | 90 days | 90 days | Not available |
33 | Switzerland (CHE) | 30 days | 30 days | 15 days |
34 | Thailand (THA) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
35 | Timor leste (TMP) | 30 days | 30 days | Not available |
36 | Vietnam (VNM) | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |